A learning-how-to-learn approach to grow student agency.
Infinity Learn are accredited professional learning facilitators and on the regionally funded PLD panel. Here are our the links to our CVs from the Ministry database.
Infinity Learn are also contracted Expert Partners for Communities of Learning (CoL) (which comes with 20 days MoE funded support. Our expert support to schools we can provide PLD around the infinity learning Maps as part of our support.
“One size never fits all”
Getting started with Infinity Learning Maps:
Infinity Learning Maps are a tool to support students, 5-18 years, to accelerate achievement and become ‘confident, connected, actively involved, and lifelong learners’ New Zealand Curriculum, p.8. Infinity Mapping, both Learning and Engagement/Behavioural Maps
Enrol here for getting started with Infinity Mapping professional learning sessions
Upcoming professional learning express your interest:
Advanced Infinity Learning Maps – combined PLD and research in Terms 2/3/4
Infinity is partnering with Auckland University of Technology (AUT) to research and diversify the way teachers, students, families and whānau use learning maps. Express your interest here
Infinity Engagement/Behaviour Maps -Term 3/4
Struggling with some children with behavioural challenges? Request a seminar for your school or group of schools to discover an engagement mapping exercise that could resolve those challenges. Express your interest here
Communities of Learning CoL: Expert Partner Support
Grow student agency! Develop personalised learning! Grow student’s confidence in learning how to learn! Subscribe to Infinity Learning Maps and have access to this innovative tool that looks at learning from a student’s perspective! The e-guide includes six interactive sections Overview, Genesis, Theory, Trends in Learning, Five Practical Steps and Research. Over 50 illustrated pages with embedded links to support videos, templates and frameworks!
Secondary School Leader: Awesome PD today. Inspired, we have plans for implementing strategies in place and a collaboration space planned for us to share progress.
Primary Principal: Inspiring – thinking about our kids who struggle with behaviour and how much the process of mapping how they learn and talking about it will be help and in some cases heal.
Teacher: The professional learning session was engaging, inspiring, practical and realistic about teaching. Got a lot out of what student agency is and direction on where we can go from here.
Teacher: A new approach to help develop self-confidence, the ability to engage and connect and raise the achievement. The session was excellent, start of our ‘Teacher Inquiry.’
Parent: Infinity Maps have given my son and us a sense of ownership and belonging.
Student: Infinity Maps helped me be a more active, connected learner.
To organise a course in your area or for more information please contact:
Brian Annan (PhD)
+64 21 659302
Mary Wootton (MEd)
+64 211400053
Email: info@infinitylearn.org
Getting started with Infinity Learning Maps professional learning sessions.
Location | Session 1 | Time of session | Session 2 |
Douglas Park, Wairarapa | 24th May | 9-12:30 | 28th June 9-12:30 |
Two sessions – $250 for both.
Offer your school as a venue and 1 teacher attends at no cost.
If you are interested in hosting the sessions in your region, please click here…
Dates don’t suit and/or you would like professional learning tailored to your context email info@infinitylearn.org or ring Mary +64 211400053.
NOTE: Participants will be emailed confirmation and exact venue and timing prior to the professional learning.
Expressions of Interest:
Advanced Infinity Learning Maps – combined PLD and research in Terms 2/3/4
Infinity is partnering with Auckland University of Technology (AUT) to research and diversify the way teachers, students, families and whānau use learning maps.
Infinity Engagement/Behaviour Maps – Term 3/4
Struggling with some children with behavioural challenges? Request a seminar for your school or group of schools to discover an engagement mapping exercise that could resolve those challenges.
Click here to express your interest in Infinity Engagement/Behaviour Maps.
Expert Partner Support for Communities of Learners – Kāhui Ako (CoL)
Brian and Mary are available to support your CoL for up to 20 days a year via Ministry funding. Brian was programme director and Mary was Lead Facilitator for the highly successful Learning and Change Networks strategy. Mary also supported Science LCN networks.
Click here to contact us about supporting your CoL or ring/email us directly.
brianannan57@gmail.com, +64 21 659302 or Mary at wootts70@gmail.com, +64 211400053