Learn how to shift the mindset from fixing ‘achievement challenges’ for targeted students to creating a ‘learning framework’ that identifies relevant learning for an entire community. A learning framework acknowledges that learning has its ups and downs for all community members. When there are downs in learning, the community uses its strengths to support those that need a hand up to get moving.
Collective advantage is a concept that encourages collaboration in challenging circumstances. The concept from the business world provides a picture of how Kāhui Ako can function in ways that all schools and surrounding communities can benefit from pockets of stunning practice that exist right in front of their own eyes. It is about finding the gems, designing ways to spread those gems and diffusing the gems across the community.
Analysing data has become a gold star component for making claims of effectiveness in learning. Hard data, mainly test scores, has typically been used as high-status information to make next-step learning decisions over the past few decades. Soft data, or narratives of student’s learning stories, is now growing in status because the use of storying is engaging kids who would otherwise opt out of a test-score environment. A significant task for teachers and leaders in Kāhui Ako is get the evidence-balance right.