2.  School and community collaborations

Interested? Contact info@infinitylearn.org

We support a range of collaborations:

  • Informal school clusters and networks in NZ, Victoria and NSW
  • Formal school collaborations, such as
    • ‘Communities of Schools’ in NZ
    • ‘Communities of Learners’ in NZ
    • ‘Teacher-led’ innovations in NZ
    • ‘Instructional Leaders’ and ‘Early Start’ in NSW Australia
Activity Popular times Cost (Exclusive GST)
Design discussions with core/school leaders 1-2 hour café design discussion @$150.00 per hour
½ day in-school design discussion   @ $750.00 per ½ day
1-2 day retreat @$1,500.00 per day
Orientation seminars for leaders and teachers 2 ½ hour seminar @ $90.00 per participant
Seminars for parents, families and whānau Twilight 4pm-6pm or 6pm-8pm @$400.00 per seminar
A project support package over 6-12 months; design, orientation, parent seminars, leader meetings, teacher only days, review day and evaluation report To be negotiated – typically 8-10 days per year @$1200.00 to $1500.00 per day


[The LCN strategy] is an innovation in its true sense of the word and off the scale in comparison to what is happening around the world (Valerie Hannon, Director, Innovation Unit, London)

“While we began our work with a focus on student learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy,…it has led to the building of a strong collaborative culture both within and across schools.  Our evaluation has found that a significant group of principals have commented that this is the best professional learning that they have undertaken during their whole career” (Department of Education official, Tasmania).